Monday, February 16, 2009

Web Words Matter

Why do you need the right words?

It's something not everyone understands. Many people - especially web developers - think that if you build bright, flashy, catchy, good-looking sites, users will be satisfied. Not so. Just think about the number one reason people go to web sites: to get information. How is that information presented? With words.

These are the top 2 reasons that Web Words matter:

1) Your readers need to trust you before they will buy from you. Good website writing builds your credibility. Typos, grammar mistakes and punctuation errors on your website will kill your credibility before you have a chance to win your readers’ business.

2) People read differently on the web than from print. Professional web writers use proven web writing styles and follow website usability guidelines to grab readers’ attention, keep their attention, and convert them into buyers.

The bottom line is:

A professionally written website increases conversion rates, provides a greater ROI, and leads to more profits.


  1. It's so true. Errors or even words as pictures (flashy sites) instead of text limit the ability for you customers to find you because their search will not bring up your site unless their search terms and your text match.

  2. Oops, in the above I wrote 'you' instead of 'your' by mistake. I find I do this more than I care to admit. Given I don't think I can edit it, I will just make the point that in our work hiring a professional to go over the web text with a keen eye for detail is vital! (It's also one of those mistakes that 'spell check' never catches!)
